Some neighbors had agenda items for the May board meeting to be held on the 9th at 6pm. To be on time arrangements were made, work schedules were changed to be sure all were there on time for the meeting. At the very last minute a sign was hung on the door of the community building indicating the meeting had been canceled. The facility manager came to us and explained that the decision had been made due to not enough board members attending do make a quorum.
A few days later I sent an email to the board members asking if there was a forum to which we could send Agenda items ahead of time to avoid this in the future. I received a timely response indicating a discussion on a more effective way of handling schedule changes is in the works. I appreciated this and am glad to see the board is open to discussion.
The response I received also indicated the the Board of Directors (BOD) are volunteers. I have to assume this was brought up as a possible reason not all members could make the meeting??? That is understandable, our lives are busy this time of year. That being said as members of the board, they accept the responsibility that goes with the position. I was also directed to the By-laws and Covenants if I had any issues or problems with policies or actions of the board. I can only assume that this refers to the By-laws that indicate the board can cancel a meeting if a quorum is not met without further notice. However I think that when the board posts a statement at the mail-building stating "Homeowners Welcome" to the meetings, then they should stand behind that statement. If there had been 100 neighbors waiting for the doors to open would things have changed?
This Blog is for the residents of Pawnee Hills to discuss any matters they would like to. The HOA board refused to start one indicating it would be too negative. We are all adults and certainly we can communicate on an adult level. This is not meant to be a complaint board but a discussion board. Do you have an idea that will help the community? Please share it here! All are welcome here. If you prefer you may leave your comments anonymously. Either way, we are glad to have you here!
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