Thursday, August 15, 2013

Poultry Petition hits the open road

If you haven't had an opportunity to sign the Poultry Petition, one of our community members who often talks to neighbors while on the bridal trail will have the petition available for signatures.  A note from this member:

I am typically riding a wheat colored dun horse with black mane and tail, and probably leading another horse (sorrel) with me. I ride in the late weekday evenings and sometimes on the weekends. I keep the petition with me the majority of the time, but if I don't happen to have it with me, I will make the effort to come back for the signature.

It's great to have folks that are excited to be involved in this movement to allow our community members to raise poultry.  It is such an organic movement across the country that many folks in urban areas are squeezing a few chickens in their backyards and reaping the benefits of fresh eggs, a natural compost system (they eat table scraps then their waste fertilizes the garden), plus the many varieties of chickens are just amazing.  There really are some beautiful birds.  Perhaps you were able to go to the County Fair and see some of the fancy breeds?  We are so fortunate to have a country lifestyle with more than enough room for up to 8 hens.  I have seen many designs on-line for coops and runs, some very stylish, some very simple.  Raising poultry can be a wonderful experience for the entire family.

If you are not a trail rider, I am still available and will bring the Petition to you, just give me a call at 303-887-7349.  I will also be planning a signing event in the near future.  Look for information posted at the mail building soon.