This months Newsletter (May 2013) is...well, I really don't have any words that can really describe it. Let's begin with the front page with "News from the Board". April Meeting Held. Good to know. I look forward to reading the minutes on the website. Oh, well I will have to wait a bit seeing how February minutes aren't up yet. The next news is "Annual HOA Meeting", reminding us of the date and time. Usually we have a barbecue, but it looks like it has been zapped this year. And no issues up for vote. Hmmm, seems some homeowners tried to get some items on the agenda at the May Board meeting but it was canceled. Last year the agenda items were announced in the June Newsletter. Hopefully the June meeting won't be canceled so this can be brought up.
Pool is open, Yay! Now the entire county can come back to Pawnee Hills like they do every year and swim here. Yes, we pay our dues so Elbert county can hop on over and enjoy our pool. You and I know that is what happens every year. Suggestions have been made to hire security, too expensive. Security camera? Too expensive, who will maintain? How about we charge admission to the public, announce it and use that money to pay for upkeep and security and a lifeguard so we don't get sued when a pool hopper drowns one night. Yes, officer we know they hop the fence and there was a danger and we called the police, but we stopped calling because we felt you wouldn't do anything. Could we be held liable? I would rather be safe than sorry and wait to do something until some teenager loses their life because we didn't want to make it safe.
By-law reminder: Article X, Amendments 1. & 2. Read them. Have no idea what context they are pertaining to. Is this secret code to something that is going on that not everyone is privy to? This reminds me of a Supervisor at work that doesn't want to talk to the one person who is not coming in to work on time so they send a reminder to everyone. Guaranteed that little reminder did nothing for 98% of the residents, how about we become a bit more community geared and explain why we are sending out a reminder?
That about covers page one. Page two has a Covenant reminder and lets just suffice to say a little note along with the mumbo jumbo would be appreciated.
Skip to page 3 to the Website: Meeting minutes. Still waiting for February, March......
I am just a bit disgruntled and apologize for my seemingly negative attitude even if it is justified. You see I really want positive communication from the HOA board. I don't want this feeling of us against them. It is our money that they are managing and I take offense to any attitude that doesn't acknowledge that. I do appreciate encouraging comments from the Vice President to continue homeowner involvement
I get the feeling that perhaps our HOA board has lost sight of the fact the homeowners have contributed monies that with interest now add up to $110,378.79. That is a lot of money in this or any economy. Every one of the homeowners should be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. Let us help you, let us become involved. Throwing mumbo jumbo at us doesn't foster a healthy relationship it confuses most and annoys many.
This Blog is for the residents of Pawnee Hills to discuss any matters they would like to. The HOA board refused to start one indicating it would be too negative. We are all adults and certainly we can communicate on an adult level. This is not meant to be a complaint board but a discussion board. Do you have an idea that will help the community? Please share it here! All are welcome here. If you prefer you may leave your comments anonymously. Either way, we are glad to have you here!
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