Friday, April 19, 2013

Calling all Gardeners!

Just want to give a shout out to our residents out there who are Gardeners.  Some might wonder if we are crazy trying to garden in this climate, with this wind. That is not the case at all.  Typically we garden for the sheer love of it.  Watching something you plant grow successfully, whether it be eaten at your table or providing nectar for the bees, it is a beautiful thing.  I have met a few in our community that have the same passion for gardening as I do.  We must deal with the same challenges such as wind, pocket gophers, deer, rabbits and to me the most challenging of all, Grasshoppers. 

If you could share some tips for successful gardening that would be greatly appreciated!   Our local office is a wonderful resource, but usually I find the best tips from the gardeners themselves. 

In our garden we only use drip watering due to the high winds here.  In the past I have used "soaker" hoses however this year I will be going with emitter hoses.  They are smaller, easier to get directly to the plants.  

My favorite thing to grow every year is pumpkins for my grown daughters living in the city.  They enjoy picking their pumpkins to take home and carve with their children.

How about you?  What are your gardening tips?  Favorite things to grow?  How you keep the pests out of the garden?  

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping that we continue to get moisture throughout the spring. Moisture helps deplete the grasshopper population.
    I am going to try some container gardening on a larger scale. I am tired of gardening on my knees and maybe getting things up off the ground surface will help protect against some varmits. I have been drooling over some of the raised garden kits that I see in gardening catalogs. It got me thinking about what I could use that I already have around here. As I walked around looking at the plethora of saved resources that I have horded, I spotted four fifty gallon aluminum stock tanks. They are all damaged and no longer hold water. I am going to drill holes in the bottom of them, line with rocks and fill with good soil. I can use a drip water system and plant my veggies in them.
