Friday, December 21, 2012

Annual Homeowners Meeting 1/28/2013

Our Annual Homeowner's Meeting is coming up soon. The biggest challenge of these meeting is to actually hold one.  First a quorum must be met which is very difficult to do unless we have something on the agenda that really gets the attention of a lot of homeowners.  The last time we had a quorum was in July due to the proposal to change the covenant to allow 8 hens on our properties.

If any changes are going to be proposed, they will need to be approved by the board and then be included in the agenda that must go out to the homeowners, I believe 15 days before the meeting date.  I don't have a copy of the bylaws up so I could be wrong.  The point is if anyone is going to submit something, it needs to be done fast.  There are several ideas brewing and good ones at that.  I hope to see many residents at the meeting and hopefully we can see some changes this time around.

Come on Pawnee Hills, lets move with the times.  It seems we are stuck in the 70's and it's time to become a community that is open to change.  A place that people want to live because we work together on issues and evolve like other communities.


  1. Well this meeting was one for the books. Check out the Community Issues tab for a pretty apt description. A long term resident was rude beyond what is appropriate at any meeting yet was allowed to rant and rave. I suppose every HOA has residents that display inappropriate behavior. This display was evidence why this community can't get past previous attempts at any change and why this is such a divided and difficult subdivision to live in. It will not stop my attempts to continue to try and change our covenants to allow chickens (hens) in Pawnee Hills, but I have lost a lot of respect for some folks here.

  2. Can't never did anything. We need to stop saying that we can't . All of us pay the same in dues here. Our needs in this community matter too. We need to rally up with our supportive neighbors and make a concerted effort to make the necessary changes. We live in a beautiful community and the work that our volunteer members are doing is great and much appreciated. But this ridiculous control over the animals we are allowed to have needs to change. Nothing ever stays the same and it is. time for change in this community. We do have a majority that wants to have some changes here. Those who are afraid to speak up or are just tired of the bs, please help out. It is worth the scoffing and nastiness if we can attain our goal. We do not want to degrade our community...we want to allow others to be more diverse and fulfill their lives too!
