Friday, July 26, 2013

July 27th Homeowners Meeting. Will you be there?

I mentioned the meeting in my last post and see in some of our Community Issue comments folks are posting reminders as well.  One post was painfully true.  If we don't meet a "quorum" the meeting cannot be held.  The quorum is 30% of homeowners which roughly works out to 55 homeowners.  This is rarely done because in general folks avoid the meetings.  The last time it was done was last year when I raised the Chicken issue.  Now I have the Chicken petition going but am not seeing a lot of interest in the meeting.  I am hearing a lot of grumblings with the discontent with the board. Well folks the only way you are going to get a change is to ATTEND THE MEETING!  We can't just sit back and discuss amongst ourselves how we'd like things to change, we have to get out there and do something.  We have to go to the meetings, ideas in hand ready for discussion.  These meetings are our chance as a COMMUNITY to get together and talk about the things we want to change.  How we want to live on our land.  Are we getting what we need from our board?  It's not just about the chickens (although I will never give up on that) it is about our Community.

Take some time this Saturday morning, jot down a few notes about what is important to you in this community and head on over to the clubhouse around 9:45a.m. to sign in and find a seat. Hope to see you there!


  1. What is it that people want from the board that they're not getting?

  2. Anonymous, as I mentioned in my post I am encouraging folks to attend the meeting to discuss their issues be it discontent with the board or a certain covenant, whatever the case. Whether they will attend the meeting remains to be seen because the fact is, people don't like to attend board meetings. Perhaps the board needs to look at improving their availability for communications so they too can hear from the community.

  3. was a quorum reached?

    1. No, a quorum was not reached. 22 lots were represented and a quorum requires 51.
